Let's Give This a Shot

Welcome, this is going to be my little side project apart from Leaders Among Gentlemen the podcast that I run with my good friend Mike Russ. If you are interested in checking that out you can click Here. It is a lot more professional and safe for anyone to listen to most of the time.

This blog will mostly be podcasts also, just a bit more NSFW.

So that being said this is not for the faint of heart or the easily offended. I really won't talk about politics here because I don't give a fuck about politics really. I will reference things that I find to be relevant or things that directly affect me, but for the most part, I stay out of politics. This is a place for me to share things that are interesting to me or things that I have on my mind. Unlike the other show, this show will be a lot less professional. Meaning I will be a bit more candid. There will be everything from complaints and thoughts on everything from lifestyle and culture to work and home life. I have my opinions and they are strong ones 9 times out of 10. Don't like it that's fine go find your little echo box and stay there. I will listen and grow and explore the new and the unknown because I am okay with being more than average and stuck in a box.

I do not believe in political correctness and it has no place here. Hurt feelings are a part of life and if you need a safe space this is not it. I am all for equality in all aspects but I am also a realist and I understand that some things certain people will be better at. That being said if your whole deal is that everyone is equal and can do everything that anyone else can, I will disagree until I am proven wrong. I don't care how you or anyone else "feels", feelings are really irrelevant when compared to science, fact or calculated logic. So take your feelings and get bent. I am tired of the need for validation and instant gratification. Work for what you want, don't stand there and expect a god damn hand out because no one told you that you are not entitled to whatever you want. This is the real world and the sooner that is understood the better off you are. The world is not safe or perfect but it is ours and the future will be what we make of it.

Okay, rant over let us get on with the show. I REALLY do hope that you all are still here and ready to explore The Life and Times of a Different Breed in this modern society.
